jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

PROYECT 2 "Enviromental Emergency "

                                                     What to do in case of an earthquake

1° remain calm

2º don't light matches or candles because

3º stay away from windows outside walls and furniture

4º do not use tha elevator

5º if you are indoors stay there

6º go to the meeting point

7º  do not shout

8º do not push each other

9º evacuate the building as fast as you can

10º do not run

 1º pitch safe in every room of your home a safe place is a place that will protect you from falling objects good safe places ares unders strong's tables or against in interior walls

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Environmental Emergencies!

Environmental Emergencies!

a. A hurricane is a violent storm with  very strong winds  


b. A flood is a large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry

c. A landslide is a mass of earth or rock that falls down the slope of a mountain

d. A long period of time when there is little or no rain is a drought

 e. A earthquak is a sudden and violent  shakin of the earth´s surface


f. A  tornado is a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle



miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

proyect 1 ¨ My catalogue ¨

color : white
size: 24-28
price : 200

color : black
size: medium small
price : 150
 color : denim
size : small medium big
price: 249

 color : black and pink
price: 400

 color : blue
size : small medium big
price: 232

 color : purple
size : small medium big
price: 100
color : black
size: 24-28
price : 394
 color : black green yellow red
price:  600

color : black and blue
price:  135

color : black and blue
size : small medium big
price:  200

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

"Project 6" "Likes and Dislikes"

                                                              : ) I like going camping

                                                        : ) I like  jumping out the bungge

                                                             : ( I dislike doing aerobics

                                                          : ( I dislike going jogging

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013


                                         TRAFFIC REPORT

1) What is the name of the radio program?  99.3 FM  solo exitos 

2) Where does the traffic report takes place?   México D.F   

3) What time is it?  06:35 AM

4) What happened near the avenue? there was an accident

5) Does the announcer mention any web site?  no 

PROYECT 6 Mi favirite radio program

                                                   MI FAVORITE RADIO PROGRAM
my favorite radio promas is on 99.3 FM 
my favorite announcer is :she is very funny and has a sense of humor 
There are some commercials like: Soriana, Comercial Mexicana ,  Product aurrera etc .
The contents of the radio program are: 





traffic jam

 contest to  tickets 

OPINION: Personally, I think the is interesting, truthful, and funny. 

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

project 5

snow white

One upon a time........

1° The queen WANTED to kill snow white

2°Snow whiter  RAN to the forest

3° Snow white MEET seven dwarves 

4°Snow white LIVET in the forest

5° One day Snow white ATE an apple

6°Snow white SLEEPT because she ATE an apple

7° The price  KISSED Snow white       

9° The price and Snow white LIVED happy forever