jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

My autobiography C:

1) age 0 years date 12 agust 2000 moment : I was born

2) age: 4  years date 2004 moment : between kindergarten

3) age: 6 years date : 2006 moment :between primary wing

4) age 12 years date 2012 moment :I left sixth

5) age 13 years date 20 agust 2013 moment : tween secondary wing

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Middle ages

Middle ages
The middles ages is the period in history between 400 and 1500 A.D which means from the fall of the  roman empire to the renaissance. It was a violent period order was especially difficult economic problems  opened the way for thieves and peasants frequently revolted there were lots of spies pirates and assassins  torture chambers were included in many castles

Was the time of knights there were many scientific discoveries and arts  people used to have fun playing diferent games such as dice marbles and chekerspalying cars 

Middle ages 
During the 15 th century population increased and the upper class activities decreased .
Therefore many new forms of literature emerged. Troubadours appeared in southern France; Dante Alighieri wrote “the divine comedy” which was the most important poem in this period .chess was also invented as were many others sport and games . the high middle ages gave birth to important inventions such as the astrolabe and the very first glasses .

The crusades                                                                       
During the middle ages the crusades took pleace they were a series of holy wars carried out by the Christian states of Europa thet started in 1095. The objective of the crusades was to force the Saracens out of the holy land including Jerusalem the name “crusades2came from the French word “croid”that means “cross” there were eight crusades the first four are sometimes called the principal crusades and the remaingfourd the minor crusades .
The crusades caused thousand of deaths but they also brought many innovations from the cast to the west .architecture was greatlyimproved and castern inventions brought back to Europe were were useful for exploration during the 15 th century